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Beech Brook Farm Blanket Bank


BBFER is blessed with an abundant number of donated blankets (gently used and new) to keep our BBFER horses warm and dry during inclement weather. Often, we have far more than we need. So, we would like to offer winter blankets at no charge (unless you require shipping) to horse owners in need of a little help. If you can afford your own blanket, please do not reach out to us but rather let us help those who may have encountered financial challenges. We do our best to help all horse owners in need, but blankets are based on availability of what size/weight we have in stock. 

Just fill out THIS FORM. When we receive this information, we will do our best to find a blanket for you.


You will need you to pick up your blanket (Groton or Preston CT) OR pay for shipping (usually ~ $40). 


DO YOU HAVE BLANKETS TO DONATE? You can drop them off in Groton CT. Just contact us at to make arrangements. 

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